[Byzantine Bindings]

Thursday 3 May 2018

Futurity and the Present Moment

is all I have
me the person I am
containing and contained in all

Things get harder
pile up
become trouble
need planning
what once was effortless
now seems uphill
ideally there would be less plates
in the air
enabling focus
letting go isn’t easy
the drive is to do more not less
but how will it all be resolved before death?

Feeling the `shortness of the tether’1
straining on the lead is not perhaps
the most appropriate response
death’s inevitable wintry lead
worn loosely about the neck
becomes a familiar friend
rather than an adversary
ceases to be a restraint
more a fact of life
perhaps an elder
co-joined at conception
gently reminding us of
this one precious life
and how we might
bumble along together
learning from each other
in this late autumn
of wind and ever more
falling leaves.


"Happy work is best done by the man who takes his long-term plans somewhat lightly and works from moment to moment "as to the Lord". It is only our daily bread that we are encourage to ask for. The present is the only time in which any duty can be done or any grace received."1

1. C.S Lewis, Learning in War-Time http://bradleyggreen.com/attachments/Lewis.Learning%20in%20War-Time.pdf accesed 03/05/2018.