[Byzantine Bindings]

Saturday 2 June 2018

No Self

a miracle
looking at the anger
trying to locate it within me

I said, “Hello anger, I recognise you my dear friend, thank you for coming to me today. 
I see your pain and suffering and I am sorry for any part I have played in it.
I will help transform you into endless compassion for the good of everything and everyone.

Breathing in I asked,
Dear toes is the anger in you?
Breathing out  they replied,
“There is no anger here.”
Dear toe nail is the anger in you
“There is no anger here.”
Dear ankles is the anger in you?
“There is no anger here.”
Dear shins is the anger in you?
“There is no anger here.”
Dear knees is the anger in you?
“There is no anger here.”
I worked through my skeletal system
my skin, muscles, organs, hair, teeth
no part of me was left out
and nowhere could I find the anger.

By now I was now calm.
Continuing to be aware of each in and out breath
I became peaceful
noticing the bee and the foxglove
the blue tit and the drainpipe.

For the first time
I put the teachings into practice
walked the path
towards Right Views
smiling as I asked my hairy beard,
"Dear hairy beard is the anger in you?"
“There is no anger here.”

I asked anger, “Dear anger where are you?’
There was no answer.