[Byzantine Bindings]

Friday 30 August 2019


all will be well
comes from a still centre
done with this worlds realities
let go.

First Learning
The thing is that until you try you never know. It has to move from head to hands and then mistakes can be learned.

Close up
This close up reveals why.
When dry fitted it can be seen that the transition between the edge which has been rolled over and glued will always leave an unsatisfactory edge. Future trials will need to eliminate the right angle and merge smoothly to the line of the endcap.

Dry Fit

Echoes from the past

Dad: "The man who never made a mistake never made anything."
Son heard, "Never make mistakes."

Something lost in the exchange
no one's fault
never is
no matter 
everything is redeemable
it was never truly lost
all it takes is will and effort
trying and mend
belief in goodness
no matter what the numbers say
test them and see for yourself
I understand and give thanks.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Wor(l)ds End

Six Months since my last confession…
bless me father for I have sinned
I have not practised awareness and as a result
have become soft and fat and lazy
I have followed no path.

By my confession I see that it is better 
to follow any path than none
that there is no ‘right’ way but there is 
a way
the way followed today
new every morning BBC (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Coming from the heart
not so much repenting more
becoming aware of unawareness
leading me
some gene
some restless part of my heart

Even though I do not know what it would look like
I see its promise held
by some ghostly muse before me
something Grail
something Yoga
something Pray Constantly
something To Work is to Pray
something Wild Activity
too much complexity

Root out the desire
the very core
no good will come of it
perched as it is on the shoulder of destiny
look rather to the East in the morning
standing in the West
North and South side by side
Sky above
Earth below
focus of the Six Directions
like Indra's Net

All views are wrong views
there is nothing to do 
but the nothing to do must be done 
with constant vigilance
measured performance

Penance is
that importances are
not the achievements
but glimpses
whilst sat in pure awareness

A different gentler discipline is needed.